Churches help make a difference in Corozal

Generous gifts allowed CBM to help a single mother with five children living in dire circumstances. Rosie and her family were living in the poorest of conditions. CBM built a new home. It was painted in the spring of 2023. Covenant Church in Sharon PA, helped us provide a kitchen table, 4 chairs, 2 beds with mattresses and bedding, and a dresser. Rosie’s family now has a safe, dry home.

Members of West Bend Community Church, WI joined a CBM trip and worked on three homes, painted two schools, taught soap making to several  single women, distributed study bibles, and more. Emmanuel Church in Eighty-Four, PA helped us provide a new roof over a kitchen for a wheel-chair bound man and his wife.

Rosie’s family had only partial walls and they used blankets for doors and a roof.
Rosie’s new house is much more comfortable and secure.